Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My vegan pizza

I cannot eat dairy without getting very very ill. Two years ago, I became very ill and they found a cyst on my liver. It was probably caused by my body rejecting the dairy I was eating, knew I shouldn't be eating, but was eating any way. Yeah, it was a special kind of stupid. Now, I don't eat it at all if I can help it. Sometimes hidden dairy happens, but I try to be really careful.

There are times I really want pizza. I don't like most of the cheese substitutes out there, so I just do without. I also don't eat a lot of meat. Lately I've been on this meat kick, but my body is telling me to stop, so I'm going to limit it to fish a few times a week. Maybe. I really wanted pizza for the last few weeks, and finally gave in. I made it with a Pillsbury pizza crust, just because I didn't have time to make it from scratch. I really need to make some and freeze it. I also used some crushed tomatoes, roasted red peppers, olives, and thinly sliced squash and zucchini. Oh, and mushrooms. I love mushrooms. I sprinkled oregano and basil over it, and baked it for a while. Really. No recipe or specifics. I just kinda made it up as I went along.

Here's the result.

It was yummy and didn't last long. I served it with grilled corn. Pizza is so easy to make as a healthy dish! What was for your dinner tonight?

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